Dehydration Distress: 8 Signs that you’re not drinking enough water

Does your body have the water content of that of the Sahara desert?

Dry mouth, skin and eyes

Admit it, not all of us abide by the eight-glasses-of-water-a-day rule, and there’s good reason for that. After all, a cup of hydrogen and oxygen atoms isn’t the most appetising beverage to drink. Come on, the liquid can barely brag of a colour or taste!

Nevertheless, we’re sorry to say that bubble teas and fruit juices as substitutes just won’t do. As you are essentially made up of 80% water, drinking water in its pure form is a must for a healthy, well-functioning body. Also, we think it’s time to break the news to you: the eight-glasses-a-day statement is more of a guideline than a rule. The amount of water you require each day differs from the colleague sitting opposite you or your next door neighbour, as it depends on various factors like the level of activity you engage in, your weight and more.

Since it’s hard to pinpoint the exact amount of water you should be consuming, we’ll just let your body do the talking. There are numerous ways your body can and will alert you of the fact that you’re not reaching for your water bottle enough. From mood swings to joint pains, there are a myriad of signs you can look out for that indicate dehydration. We’ve compiled them in our gallery above, so flick away! And, have a gulp of water while you’re at it.

Lim Han

Photos: Getty Images

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Health Facts: Do you really need 8 glasses of water a day?

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine