Shedding Pounds: 7 Bizarre ways to reduce your appetite

These tricks might just be your ticket to losing the belly fat.

Serve your meal on blue plates

For some of us, it can be really difficult to keep intense cravings for high calorie foods at bay. Why do tasty things always have to be so bad for our waistline?! Fortunately, there are a few tricks that we can use to kill off unwanted cravings. Yeah, you’ve probably heard of the more common tricks, such as “drink more water – you’re probably dehydrated” or “eat foods that are low-GI”, but there are some very weird tricks out there too that might work just as well, if not better, from sniffing on something vanilla-scented to eating from a blue plate.

For anyone in need of a handful of quick and easy ways to shed some extra pounds, we’ve rounded up 7 simple (and bizarre) ways to suppress your raging appetite. Head up to the gallery to check then out. We’re pretty sure you’ve never heard of some of them!

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

Read more:

Slimming Scents: Can certain smells lower your appetite to help you lose weight?

Goodbye Cramps: 5 Foods to replenish your magnesium levels

Slim & Trim: 20 Foods to help keep your stomach flat

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine