Body Talk: What your food cravings are actually telling you about your health

It turns out your food cravings aren’t so random and fickle after all.


Cravings: we all have them and probably succumb to them more than we’d like to admit.

And it seems like your cravings can appear pretty random: you could be craving a succulent piece of steak one day, but then completely fantasise about a creamy bowl of carb-rich pasta the next.

However, before you chalk it up to your cravings being fickle, hear us out: did you know that the types of foods you’re craving is your body’s way of telling you what it needs more of? 

For one, if you’re incessantly desiring a greasy food fix at McDonald’s, it’s not just because inexplicably hungry. In fact, it’s your body’s way of telling you that it’s lacking in essential fatty acids.

We’ve outlined 8 common food cravings you probably lusted for at some point, and share what each craving tells you about your body’s health – find out more in the gallery above!

Sarah Khan

Photos: Getty Images

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