Boundless Beauty: 9 Most exotic beaches in Southeast Asia

updated the 17 April 2017 à 15:47

Feast your eyes on these beaches tucked away right here in Southeast Asia.

Railay Beach

What did mankind ever do to be graced with the wondrous creation of gorgeous beaches? There’s something so majestic about the view of shimmering sapphire waters engulfing white sand in a warm embrace. Soaking in the scenery while reflecting on the kaleidoscopic aspects of life – what could be more cathartic than that? It’s no wonder these places are hailed as one of the most popular tourist hotspots and are often being inundated with travellers from all around the world. Whether you want to bask in the golden sun, surround yourself with marine life, or have a splashing time swimming through clear waters, these beaches have got you covered.

Since no photo would ever be able to fully encapsulate and convey the raw untouched beauty of these places, why not witness it first-hand for yourself? Scramble up to our gallery where we’ve stashed away 9 of the most exotic beaches in Southeast Asia. You’re bound to be booking your flight in an instant.

Lim Han

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