A Working Mom Shares: 10 Useful tips for breast pumping in the office

updated the 12 February 2018 à 16:24
Choose your pump wisely

Returning to work soon and looking for tips to help you ease into breast pumping at work? Here are 10 helpful tips, as shared by the experiences of a working mama herself.

The transition of returning to work post-partum is something most mothers struggle with. Upon your return to work, there are so many new things to consider: is your baby going to be okay without you at home? Can you concentrate on work and simultaneously keep up with whoever’s taking care of baby? How on earth are you going to breast pump at work?

Well, you’re not alone. Breast pumping at work is an issue that many women face upon return. Clarissa Lim, 29, and a working mother of a ten-month-old at our Marie France Asia office, started pumping while still at home to get used to doing it and to get her baby used to it. She says that it requires organisation and time, but she is glad she’s doing it. “I have friends who have been scared to go back to work, because they know it is going to make it harder to finish their work, but you really need to maximise your working time,” she adds.

It’s never easy being the one to pump in the office, especially if nobody else is doing it. No matter how uncomfortable it is at first, if breast milk is what you want to give your child, you can’t let the inconvenience of it all get in the way of that. To get you started, here are some helpful tips to prepare you to breast-pumping in the office, as shared by the personal experiences of a working mother herself.

Shelina Assomull

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