Creative Corner: 10 Wedding favours and invitation ideas

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:02
Edible Wedding Favours

Tired of receiving gorgeous but impractical gifts at the table? We’re here to stop you from doing the same with our roundup of recommendations.

If you’ve attended enough weddings, you’ve probably amassed a small mountain of aesthetically appealing but mostly impractical favours and invitations. And more often than not, the only time these kitschy items pop into your mind is when you’re wondering how to dispose of them. With most of the common gifts ranging from keychains to miniature photo frames, it is small wonder that most guests are unsure of what to do with them.

So if you’re afraid that your own favours and invitations might meet the same languishing fate, we’re here to make the gimmicky graceful with our recommendations for invitations and favours. Those wishing to inject grandeur into their wedding can check out our gem-studded luxury picks, while those seeking something more budget friendly can also expect plenty of fun and creative choices to make your big day equally memorable.

So bid goodbye to the basic and usher in the sass. From DIY to bespoke, we have something for everyone – no doubt your guests will thank you for these!

Yijie Zhang

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