Favourite Picks: 7 Best pore minimising products we’re loving

updated the 31 August 2016 à 17:51

Get rid of pesky enlarged pores the easy way with these gems – they’ll leave your skin looking flawless and totally eggshell smooth all day.

Everyone has pores. Yes, even the seemingly pore-less celebs have pores! The bad news is: you can’t get rid of nor reduce the size of your pores. People with large pores typically have oily skin, and while this can be bothersome and unsightly, oily skin slows down skin ageing and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Unfortunately, large pores are also more at risk for breakouts. All hope is not lost though, as you can shrink and blur out pores with a combination of lifestyle, skincare, and the best pore minimising products available in the market.

Head up to the gallery to check out 7 great pore minimising beauty products we’re keeping on our shelves this season!

Alicia Tham

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