Frame Friendly: 6 Makeup tips for women who wear glasses

Adopt a bold lip look to complement bold frames

Want to make your eyes pop while donning your specs?

If there is one thing glasses wearers are afraid of, it’s getting the makeup just right under those frames. Whether your frames are retro-liciously thick and bold, or elegantly thin and modern, it can be a little difficult to nail the eye makeup so that your peepers stand out underneath the wire and plastic.

Good thing there are a few simple tricks you can learn to draw attention to your peepers. From getting your eyeliner down pat to knowing just how to avoid your mascara’d lashes from hitting your lenses, we’ve rounded up the tips you need to get your bespectacled look perfected. Head up to the gallery to check them out.

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

Read more:

10 Confessions only a true eyeliner addict would understand

Eye Spy: 10 Ways to wear your eyeliner like a pro

5 Tips to gentle but effective eye makeup removal

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine