Bio Seaweed Gel: Unity All-in-One Colour Gel Polish

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:59
Unity All-in-One Colour Gel Polish Shades

For the summer time, we’ve unearthed a companion for our nails that promises to deliver lasting results!

As far as getting our nails done, whether it was a professional gel manicure or our trusty nail wraps, we thought we were on top of trends – until we found an easier way to get a gel manicure perfected in the comfort of our homes with minimal work, it’s real.

Instead of topcoats, strengtheners, primers and UV lamps, the Unity All-in-One Colour Gel Polish promises to skip all those steps and yet offer you a manicure that lasts a whopping 2 weeks. And for the summer time, a manicure that lasts that long is a game well played.

Additionally, the bottle of polish boasts of no formaldehyde, toluene, DBP, BHA or solvents. Application on your hands require a quick base coat (for added protection, since we use our hands more often) and 2 thin coats of polish. After which, they can be cured under UV, LED or natural sunlight. While it would be faster to cure under UV or LED, curing under sunlight saves one the hassle of actually owning a UV lamp. Ideally, just whip your hands out in the sun and wait for about 3 minutes. Removal is just as effortless – according to the brand, all it takes is a 5-minute soak-off.

The extensive selection of colours, ranging from simple saturated shades to shimmery and satin finishes, is a treat for any nail aficionado and right now, we absolutely need to get our hands all over this, stat!

Unity All-in-One Colour Gel Polish are available at the following distributors worldwide. 

Tarandip Kaur


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