Body Butter: Our top 10 delicious smelling body creams

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:03
Soap & Glory

Smelling good makes you feel good as well. Slather on these scented body creams to boost your mood.

Scents have been proven to invoke memories, calm the mind and refresh the senses. So why not give yourself an extra oomph with scented body creams?

Perfumes can only do so much, but body creams envelope the entire body and the warmth from your skin helps the scent stay a lot longer. We understand that in our humid weather, sometimes thick body creams are not advisable, but you can use the heavier formulas with calming aromas like lavender at night for a more restful sleep.

Here are 10 body lotions and creams that you can slather on your body.

You’ll smell so good, you won’t even need perfume.

Cheryl Lee

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