Malin + Goetz: Skincare for sensitive skin

updated the 17 August 2015 à 11:26

The New York City skincare brand finally comes to the rescue!

Essential Kit - Malin + Goetz - USD44-22 - luxola

There are countless skincare brands everywhere but the ones which specifically cater for sensitive skin are less common; mainly because the ingredients widely used in mainstream products often irritate delicate and allergic skin.

This is where Malin + Goetz rides in on a white charger to simplify your skincare regime. Their USP – their products consist only of the necessary components without the additional colorants and fragrances which usually trigger the allergies in the first place.

Family-owned and based in New York City, Malin+Goetz uses natural ingredients and what it describes as the most effective formula for sensitive skin.

The simple 2-step regimen of the brand (i.e. cleaner + moisturizer) covers all parts of the body from head to toe and apparently helps to balance those all important pH levels.

Not sure where to start? We recommend getting the Essential Kit (USD44.3), which contains six mini 1oz bottles of the brand’s best-selling cleansers and moisturizers for the face, hair and body. It is perfect for those mini breaks (it is cabin-baggage friendly) and the ladies and gentlemen on the go.

Malin + Geotz  selected products are available at

Joyce Lui

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