Benefits of royal jelly + 10 products that use this miracle ingredient

updated the Tuesday, June 14, 2016

You may have heard of this strange bee by-product before. Rich in nutrients and great for your skin? You bet!

Beauty ingredients tend to come from a whole host of strange sources. We’ve heard that snake venom is great at freezing those wrinkles, and snail slime has gone pretty mainstream these days thanks to its ability to improve skin radiance and collagen formation. Chances are you’ve picked up a few items at the beauty store containing what’s known as “royal jelly”.

For those unfamiliar with where this substance originates from, it is actually secreted from the top of a bee’s head and used as food by the bee larvae when they are first born in order for them to get a boost of nutrition. Containing plenty of good stuff that would benefit humans, including 17 different amino acids, a wealth of B-vitamins, and minerals like iron, calcium and potassium, it is no wonder royal jelly has been used in health and beauty products by various cultures for years.

If you’ve ever wanted to try out an unusual beauty ingredient but aren’t too sure about adding horse fat or pig collagen to your routine, try royal jelly for its skin healing and anti-inflammatory properties. We’ve picked out 10 products that feature this miracle ingredient – head up to the gallery to check them out!

Angela Goh

Read more:

DIY Beauty: 5 Ingredients to lighten your skin safely and naturally

Bad Cosmetics: 9 Toxic ingredients to avoid in beauty products

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