Slick Solutions: In-shower beauty treatments to indulge in

updated the 6 October 2015 à 22:53

Instead of having to step out of your shower before slathering on some moisturising goodness, you can now do it while still in the shower.

You’ve heard it time and time again that after a shower, the best time to apply any form of lotion, cream or moisturiser is about 30 seconds after hopping out to ensure maximum absorption. After that, yo would be lucky if you manage to attain the full efficacy of any product you slather on.

So for those of us who’re not exactly nimble or agile enough to complete the task in that short window, that’s where in-shower treatments come to the rescue. Formulated to work with water or rather activates only in contact with wet skin, these are truly saviours in ensuring that your skin retains adequate moisture after the steamy shower.

All you have to do is after cleansing your body, slick some of the product all over and watch as it melts into your skin and leave it feeling luxuriously smooth. Word of caution, be sure to get one that doesn’t leave a sticky or greasy after touch because the last thing you want is for your body to feel like it was dipped in an oil bath.

Now for convenience sake, we’ve rounded up some of the best products around to get you well on your way to smooth skin!

Tarandip Kaur

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