Sleeping Beauty: 9 Overnight masks to try

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:21

Beauty sleep takes on a whole new level with the many different types of overnight sleep masks. Here are a few of them to try.

Perking your skin up while you sleep is not impossible with the invention of overnight masks.

Beauty sleep takes on a whole new level with the many different types of overnight sleep masks to hydrate, whiten and even firm up your face while you catch your Zs.

Your skin tends to lose moisture while you sleep, even more so if you sleep with the air-con on. Sleep masks target a variety of skin problems and they are deeply moisturising and effective. Most of them are gel based and have a cooling effect on the skin.

Using a sleep mask doesn’t mean you can be lazy about your standard cleansing routine; they both go hand in hand.

To get the most out of your sleep mask, ensure that you apply it at least 30 minutes before bed to prevent it from rubbing off on your pillows.

With your refreshed and bouncy skin, post sleep mask – now you can say “I woke up like this!”

Cheryl Lee

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