Battling Bacne: 5 Ways to get sexy back

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:07
Baking soda

We show you some remedies to give bacne the boot once and for all.

They may not be smack in the middle of our face for everyone to see but bacne, or back acne, is nonetheless an inconvenient condition to suffer from. Similar to the zits on our faces, bacne happens when the oil glands get clogged by excessive dead skin cells and sebum. This increases bacteria growth which in turn creates angry red marks all over your back. And if that isn’t bad enough, bacne also leaves ugly scars on your back, making it difficult to wear clothing that aggravates the condition or exposes it.

If this sounds like you, fret not! Bacne is not a lost cause and there are ways to banish it forever. Go through the gallery and decide which remedy suits you best.

Karen George

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine