Beauty Hacks: How to keep your lashes curled all day?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 22:28

Curled lashes that last all day will no longer be just an unachievable end goal after you’re done reading our top tips.

Curling Asian lashes can sometimes be a problem for most of us straight-lashed girls, and once we’ve achieved the perfect curl, keeping them that way can become a whole other charade in itself. So how does one create a facade of luscious, curly lashes that last all day when in reality theirs are stick-straight?

The beauty community online is always there to help if you’re looking for fail-proof tools and tried-and-tested tips. Look around for fellow Asian beauty gurus with similar lashes to yours, and search them up on YouTube to check if they’ve made any tutorials on how to curl straight lashes. Chances are, on top of how-to tips, they’ll also share the brands and products that worked or didn’t work for them.

But if you’re desperate and have tried everything out there and still can’t find a solution, we’re here to help you out. Read on for our fool-proof tips.


One of the vital ingredients for a recipe to great lashes is a really good eyelash curler. Go for classic industry favourites such as the Shu Uemura or Shiseido ones, or even try out heated variations that curl your lashes with the similar concept used to curl your hair. If heat doesn’t work for you, try curling your lashes after leaving your curler on a cold surface (like your bathroom’s sink table top). Cold curlers might work better for some than heated ones.


  • The first step to the ‘3-step curl’ is curling at three points along your lash length – the base (closest to the lash line), the middle and the tips. This ensures an even, rounded curl as opposed to an angular L-shape most women get when they only curl at one point of the lashes.
  • Next up is knowing how to pump and hold the curler as you curl. Let the curler sit for a few seconds at one point and pump it before you move on to the next, in order to get the most out of the curling action.
  • Lastly, tilt your curler upwards and push the top into the crease, lifting the lash line and eyelid gently in order to get an even elevated curl that will last all day.


You know you’ve been there: you’ve got a perfect curl with the best eyelash curler you’ve ever had (that’s about to be the only eyelash curler you’ll ever use for life!) only to be disappointed when you swipe on your mascara, and see the curl slowly return to its original, straightened self. This is the problem most women have, and it’s usually because they’re using a mascara that’s too heavy for their fine lashes. Look for a waterproof formula that’s dryer than most mascaras, or one with a curl-holding property.


Too much product on your mascara wand can also be the perpetrator behind a failed lash curl. Remove the excess by tilting your mascara wand towards the mouth of the tube as you take it out (leaving one side of the wand with much less product than the other), or wipe it back and forth against a tissue.


After your first coat of mascara, do the rest of your makeup while it dries. Once it’s dried completely, curl it lightly once more at the base of the lashes to really hold the curl for a long-lasting effect.

Now to get started, our gallery above holds our favourite picks on the best curlers and mascaras that will give you all-day curl.

Nur Syazana H.

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