Dolly Eyes: Get lush lashes with the right eyelash curler

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:15
Makeup Store

Rather than pinching your eyelids and losing a few lashes in the process, here’s how to pick the best lash curler to look instantly more awake.

Curly, long and voluminous lashes make a huge difference to your eyes. Especially if your have an Asian monolid. Unfortunately, most Asians (like us) have sparse lashes that point straight down and that requires a light formula mascara and Asian brand curlers to attain the lashes we desire.

The good ol’ eyelash curler works perfectly in these situations and picking the right shape for your eye is vital. We certainly do not want to pinch our lids with the lash curler – yeah we’ve been there, done that.

From the traditional eyelash crimpers to the newfangled heated coils, we’ll tell you what to look out for when shopping for an eyelash curler. After all you want curly lashes, not lashes that look bent!


The best lash curlers are curved to fit your eye. Western brands tend to suit deep set eyes with hooded lids better as it has a rounder and deeper curve. The Asian brands such as Shiseido or Shu Uemura are crafted for Asian eyes and they have a shallower curve and shorter length. Picking the wrong length and curve for your eyes can result in painful pinches or clumpy lashes.


If it starts to pinch when using your curler or your rubber pads are starting to look a little worn out, it’s time to change them. Most eyelash curlers come with an extra piece of rubber handy for replacements. The rubber pads should last you for a very long time as long as you’re not pressing down on them too hard!


Don’t diss the heated lash coils. There is no danger of clipping yourself with these lash wands. These heated lash curlers are usually battery operated and come in a single wand form. Simply comb the heated coils through your lashes and watch them rise to the occasion. Once the heated curl sets, it should last all day. Alternatively, you can also place your traditional lash curler underneath a hair dryer for a few seconds before crimping your lashes. Be sure to test the heat on your hand first!


Eyelash curler before mascara should be your general rule of thumb. When the mascara formula has dried on your lashes it is not advisable to curl them again as you may break your lashes. Mascara can make your lashes more brittle after it dries. Just give your lashes a final crimp if needed before your mascara dries.


Quite often, many women neglect to clean their eyelash curlers regularly. Always have a makeup wipe or a cotton pad with an oil based remover ready to clean your curlers after use. There’s nothing harder to remove than icky clumped up and dried old mascara on your curler. Plus, your fresh lashes would stick to the old mascara causing ugly or clumpy curls.

An eyelash curler is definitely a girl’s best friend. So master the skill for an inexpensive and quick way to look instantly more awake.

Why, hello there bright eyes!

Cheryl Lee

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