Colour Advice: 7 Key things to know before you dye your own hair

updated the Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Know your natural colour

Attempting to self-dye your precious locks in the comfort of your own home? You’ll need to know a few things to avoid disappointment.

Colouring your hair all by yourself may strike you as a daunting task. First of all, there are plenty of things that could go wrong. What if you pick the wrong shade? What if the dye you purchased ruins your hair? What if you do irreparable damage to your scalp?

There are a few questions that you’ll have to ask yourself before you slather on that dye. From the type of formula you’ll want to invest in (gel dyes or foam dyes?) to whether or not your natural hair colour will accommodate this new shade, you’ll probably want to cover all the bases before you make a decision.

To reduce the chances of you regretting your at-home dye job, we encourage you to consider 7 key things – head up to the gallery above to see what you can do to put your mind at ease. They aren’t difficult to follow, and once you’ve gone through these simple tips, you’ll be well-prepared to take on the role of your favourite hair stylist! Oh, and be sure not to forget to incorporate some colour treatment products to prolong the vibrancy of your hair post-colour!

Angela Goh

Photos: iStock

Read more:

Stay Vibrant: 10 Foolproof tips to take care of your dyed hair

Colour Me Crazy: 2016 Hair trends as seen on the streets

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