What’s in my product: 5 Common beauty ingredients decoded

The next time you are purchasing a beauty product, take a look at the ingredients list. Is the ingredient doing you more harm than good?

These days, there are so many ingredients present in beauty products that it has raised the question – Have you ever wondered what goes into your beauty products?

After all, these are ingredients we are putting on our faces and bodies and it is important to know if it is doing more benefit than harm. Here are 5 of the common beauty ingredients that you should know about.


If you struggle with troubled skin woes such as zits and bumps, you’ll notice Salicylic Acid as a common beauty ingredient in your products. This is often found in products suitable for acne-prone and oily skin types. Salicylic acid works as a mild exfoliant to get rid of the build up of dead skin cells. Continual use of this product will not only help to treat those pesky zits but help reveal a fresher looking canvas.


Commonly seen in anti-aging products, Hyaluronic Acid helps to hydrate the skin and reduce the appearance of common aging skin issues such as wrinkles, spots and sun damage. If you are looking for a good anti-aging moisturizier, check the ingredients list and if Hyaluronic Acid is present, chances are it will do wonders for your skin retaining a youthful looking appearance.


Often found in soaps, Glycerin is now finding its permanent place in many skincare and makeup products. It is used as an ingredient in primers to build a tacky base for makeup products to adhere to. If you have eczema and are looking for a skincare product to calm your skin, look out for glycerin in the list of ingredients as it helps to moisten the skin and prevent further drying by restoring water levels.


Derived from fruit or milk, AHA is a great beauty ingredient commonly used for revitalizing our skin. It helps to break down dead skin cells and is often seen in products such as scrubs and peels. Often touted as one of the best beauty ingredients to try, AHA is best tried if you are looking to firm, plump and illuminate your skin.


Silicone is another  common beauty ingredients used in makeup and skincare products. We all know of silicone to have a wax-like texture, almost similar to candles. It is used in makeup products to smooth the canvas of your face and fill in pores, bumps, lines and any other crevices. This allows your other products to slide on easily. When it comes to skincare, silicone is used to decrease the appearance of freshly formed scar tissues. This ingredient is best found in toners and moisturizers. Silicone in skincare helps protect the skin and even help decrease the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

It is important to read the labels on our products as it helps us to be more aware as consumers. Certain products are not advisable to be used but may be hidden ingredients the products. Be an educated consumer and research about any ingredient you are unsure of.

Perin Sidhu

Featured Image: Getty Images


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