The killer question: Should you get a botox?

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:31

You don’t like those frown lines but yet not 100% certain about getting a botox? We spoke to Dr Malini from Singapore’s AesCure Medical & Aesthetic Clinic to help you decide.

Botox Injecting

One day while you’re looking in the mirror, lo and behold, you spot a frown line or two and crow’s feet peeking in. Now instead of worrying more and deepening those lines, there are a multitude of solutions available – one of which include botox. However, botox tends to raise a whole lot of questions and sometimes the lines get blurred. So we spoke to Dr Malini Munisamy, Medical Director from Singapore’s Aescure Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, who answered some of our common queries regarding botox.

Who do you recommend it for?

I would recommend Botox to those who are bothered by their dynamic wrinkles. These days more and more younger patients want botox because it can be given intradermally to reduce pore size and reduce oil production. Botox cosmetic is FDA approved for frown line and crow’s feet for anyone between 18 – 65 years of age.

How long do the effects tend to last?

Most cases approximately 4 months, some 6 months

What should we take note of before getting botox?

Pre treatment:

– Inform the doctor if you suffer from any neurological/ muscle disorder as this is a contraindication.

– Stop aspirin/ NSAIDs/ gingko and ginseng at least 3 days before the procedure

– The results are not immediate, it will take effect around 2-3 days after the procedure and takes up to 14 days to show maximum effect.

Post treatment:

– Avoid vigorous exercise and alcohol for at least 48 hours after the treatment.

– Avoid massaging the areas injected until your doctor’s review.

– There is no downtime except for some redness and occasional bruising post procedure so plan ahead.

Will botox create a numbing sensation?

Botox itself does not create a numbing sensation. The treatment involves injections with small needles so it will be slightly painful but numbing cream is usually applied to ensure that the procedure is as comfortable as possible.

What are some complications of botox?

When injected over the forehead, if given too low, it can result in eyebrow droop or if not distributed evenly, it may result in eyebrow asymmetry and overarching of eyebrows. Some people can experience double vision if given too close to the eye and sometimes following the procedure some can even experience a mild headache.

What is the ideal age to start botox & how often can someone get it?

There is no ideal age, as long as they can give informed consent unless it’s for a medical indication. Botox effect wears out within 4 months so patients can come back whenever they need to get their wrinkles touched up.

Tarandip Kaur

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