Coiffure Catastrophe: How to fix a bad haircut?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:08

A woman’s crowning glory is her hair and there’s nothing worse than a botched haircut. But don’t go into hiding just yet, we’ve got some easy fix-it solutions to help you brave the public in style.

We’ve all been there before. A trip to the hairdresser that ended in tears because the hairstylist trimmed a little more than she should have or the cute crop cut you thought you could pull off but made you look like a pre-pubescent schoolboy instead. When it comes to the hair on our heads, us ladies can take the styles we’re spotted in very seriously, with bad hair cuts resulting in us wanting to hibernate till it all grows out.

Whatever the reason or scale of mane disaster, don’t fret, here are some ways to deal with that unfortunate hair cut. Rest assured none of these tips involve wearing a wig!

Karen George

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