The killer question: How to do your makeup on the go?

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:32

Rushing for time? Check out the proper etiquette to applying your makeup on the go.

Unsafe driver

It’s safe to say that we aren’t really morning people – late starts mean we completely miss our first alarm – leaving us absolutely no time to apply a full face of makeup. Hence we usually end up doing it on the go – whether on a bus, train or even in a taxi.

But even in  the midst of all the rush, it is important to follow a few rules to achieve the best results. So whether you just can’t seem to get up in the morning or are stuck in a major traffic jam – follow these steps and you’ll be in tip top shape to take on the day.

The dos and dont’s

Whilst getting our makeup done in time is a must, we have to make sure we don’t intrude in anyone else’s personal spaces. This means choosing fragrance-free products, keeping everything on your lap, and not taking up two or more seats with your makeup bag.

The right products

The first step to applying makeup on the go is knowing the right products to have. With restricted time and space, keeping the products to a minimal is essential. Pack the basics and only bring the products that are needed for you to create a simple face of makeup. We like to have a concealer, mascara, bronzer, an eyebrow pencil and a lipstick. It is also advisable to pack products that contain a wide mirror in their packaging. If none of these have a mirror, consider investing in a good quality mirror with a zoom side and a natural side.

When the vehicle is moving

When the vehicle is in transit, it is best to get the easiest things done first. Foundation, bronzer, blush and brows are pretty easy to do and can be blended well in a moving train or bus.

When the vehicle is stationary

To be on the safe side, leave the more fragile steps for when the vehicle is in the station and not moving. This is the time you’ll want to get your mascara, eyeliner and lipstick done.

Final check

Whilst we have become professionals at applying makeup on the go – a final check is a must. Make sure everything looks even and well blended by finding the closest bathroom or mirror. If you don’t have access to this, get out your compact mirror and check in natural lighting.

Shannon Gallagher

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