Skincare Secrets: 5 Beauty tricks to adopt from India

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:07

Give your face a breather from chemical-laden products and try your hand at some of these age-old and natural skincare ingredients.

Have you ever heard that India is the land of beauty and culture? Well, that description could not be any further from the truth – especially when it comes to beauty. Beauty not only in the form of incredibly stunning landscapes but beauty that extends to the population of naturally beautiful women.

The secret to their ravishing glow though lies in age-old traditions passed down from generation to generation. Using only naturally effective ingredients, these solutions have been worshipped in a sense for ages and as any Indian kid, our ears have been consistently inundated with messages of the treatments’ efficacy over chemical-laden products.

Granted some of them may not seem pleasant at first sight, but once you witness the results for yourself, trust us you’ll be sold and the messy side of things will drift into the depths of your concerns.

So let us get you on the road to a whole new beauty journey, with 5 well-known skincare secrets. Adopt these into your and trust us, you’ll wake up to radiant skin and shiny hair in no time.

Tarandip Kaur

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