Stretch Marks: 10 Ways to reduce those unwanted lines

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:07
Olive oil

Don’t let those pesky lines get under your skin. Take action with these natural home-made remedies.

Stretch marks, the stuff of horror stories and many old wives’ tales. Here are a few facts about the condition where the skin is overstretched. You don’t have to get pregnant to get stretch marks. You can be young and still have it. It can plague you whether you’re skinny or fat. Although most of those afflicted by the condition are females, males are not immune from getting it as well.

Since time immemorial, advice upon advice (rubbing cocoa butter on your skin) has been dispensed on how to prevent them or get rid of them altogether, because let’s face it, stretch marks are ugly. But while the latest products from the chemists lab and beauty parlours promise line free miracles, the truth is, thee’s no way to get rid of them entirely. You can however make them a lot less visible with these 10 natural remedies.

And if all else fails, there’s always the option of learning to #LoveYourLines and flaunt what you’ve got!

Karen George

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