How to survive your office life?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:50
The lunatic

You can no longer bear your colleague who is always complaining? Or your manager who is always patronizing you? Here are some tips to survive the office life.

Mike Leibling, author and director of a consulting firm for organization and management, lists 45 profiles of people who are ‘pain in the neck’ to deal with. Stressed, erratic, working executioners, exploited at will, arrogant… He explains how each of these types infuriates us with their behaviour and gives advice on how to manage them better and co-exist with them on a daily basis. He dishes out some good tips on how to relax in tense situations at the office and how to create a better and healthier atmosphere at work.

For example, to speak to your boss or to a colleague about a situation that doesn’t suit you, you can use the DESC method, created by American psychologists Sharon and Gordon Bower to develop the capacity of asserting ourselves in front of others:

– The “D” corresponds to the “Description of the facts”. Example: “You’ve called me at the weekend twice on my mobile.”

– The “E” corresponds to the “Expression of a disagreement”. Example: “It disturbs me, I was with my family.”

– The “S” is the “Suggestion of a solution”. Example: “In the future, I suggest you make any important points on Fridays.”

– The “C” means “positive Consequences for everybody”. Example: “None of us will be stressed before leaving for the weekend.”

Fabienne Broucaret

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