The Estée Cookie: Estée Lauder creates a cookie version of its signature perfume

When beauty meets food, it results in a beautiful marriage of aromas and taste. Estée Lauder partners with a New York bakery to create the Estée cookie!

Estée cookie

Many brands have already understood that a persuasive campaign should stimulate the 5 senses or in this case, at least 2 of them – smell and taste. The recent collaboration between Estée Lauder and the famous New York-based bakery, Momofuku Milk Bar, doesn’t seem too far fetched. The collaboration involves combining the taste of a cookie with the scent of Estée Lauder signature perfume. What better way to make a good impression?

This fusion called “The Estée Cookie” was created by star chef, Christina Tosi. It contains all the traditional ingredients plus the very famous Bulgarian rose signature aroma from the “Private Collection” of  Estée Lauder’s perfume – created from rose extract and freeze-dried strawberries. There is an interesting anecdote about the Estée Lauder private collection, only Ms. Lauder wore her bespoke perfume and when friends asked her what was this delicate fragrance, she used to say, “It is a private collection”. The scent remained under wraps until 1973, when it was finally revealed to the public.

In a world where we prefer to “experience” a product/service rather than “buy” a product or service; where we want to touch, feel, smell, try and taste, and where we are sheer foodies, we couldn’t agree more to this marriage between beauty and food.

Oops, we are sorry to inform you that the famous cookie is not for sale, but, you can find the recipe here in the digital beauty, fashion, food and fitness magazine “Estee Edit“.

Lindsay POUI-DI

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