Guilty as Charged: 10 Reality TV shows we hate to love

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:07
Keeping Up With The Kardashians

We may not admit to watching them in public, but in the privacy of our homes, they’re our guilty pleasure.

Just like everyone has a favourite pop song they’re embarrassed to admit they have on repeat, the same applies to reality TV shows. In public arenas of esteem you make all the horrified tsks tsks if anyone so much as mentions Jersey Shore in your presence, yet every weekend, you based your social life around the TV show because you couldn’t get enough of Snooki and her outrageous antics. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

It feels like reality TV has been confined to the bottom of the trash heap, enjoyable only to the uneducated and the vapid. Yet, if these shows are really the scorned thrash they are, why do cast members walk the red carpet, launch their own fashion lines and generally attract enough public attention to sell tabloid magazines? Because there’s demand for it. However mind-numbing or downright tacky, we’re hooked and want to know what goes on in their lives once the cameras stop rolling.

Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate, but the rest of us? We’re going to give in to our guilty pleasure and potate in front of the idiot box watching reality shows everyone hates to love. Sure we may lose a few brain cells in the process, but we can’t think of a more enjoyable way to get Alzheimer’s. Navigate the gallery for 10 reality shows we can’t stand but can’t stop watching  – and we’re guilty as charged!

Karen George

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