Novels to Movies: 10 Books to check out before they hit the big screens

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:15
The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks

There are so many exciting new movies lined up for 2015 but before you check them out, crack open the original book version first.

Gone Girl, 50 Shades of Grey and Mortdecai have one thing in common – they’re all movie adaptations of novels.Ever since the Harry Potter series, Hollywood has been consistently getting their ideas and inspiration from the literary world. Which is why many of the exciting blockbuster movies coming out later this year similarly owe their inspiration and plot lines to the books on which they are based. There’s a lot that can go wrong when moving from page to screen, but by and far, adaptions bring to life our imagination of the story in all its technicolor glory.

This April, consider adding to your reading list the following titles so you can read them before they make their way to the cinema. It’s about time you put your bookworm habits into overdrive!

Karen George

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