Our pick of exciting events starting March 26

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:15
HI-SO Presents Monkey Shoulder Whisky

Who’s up to the challenge of unlocking the cage to a monkey and bagging a bottle of whisky? Well, here’s where you should head to this week.

We’re getting a head start this week by filling up our event calendars early with exhibitions, poetry slams, openings and re-openings – honestly, who else still doubts there’s nothing to do in Singapore?

For the most part, we’re looking forward to head down to Sofitel So and get our chance at un-caging the monkey at the Monkey Shoulder whisky night. Pssst, if you get the lucky key to unlock the monkey, you get a bottle of Monkey Shoulder for keeps! Now, that’s too good to pass up.

Tarandip Kaur

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