Our pick of exciting events in Singapore from 8 June

Tanjong Beach Club: Bottomless Brunch

The second week of June is almost over, but the fun has only just started!

The sun is shining and the birds are chirping — it’s already the second week of June, which means your child has probably run out of their arsenal of fun things to do (although they’d protest that they can have a Nerf fight any day), and are already clamoring about how bored they are of the holiday assignments and enrichment classes. Though it’s a school holiday for them, it’s probably beginning to feel like the beginning of a long, long month, as they adjust to the their new bedtime.

That doesn’t mean that the precious days with your child should be spent cooped up in your house. Come join us in ten of our exciting picks for events in the upcoming weeks that we promise you won’t want to miss. There’s an event for anyone and everyone, even your most choosy toddler. And, alternatively, find some good ways to relax and unwind alongside your children, so you get the most out of your June!

Lee Hui Bing

Read More:

In Tune: 10 Ways to build a deeper connection with your child

Happy Mealtimes: 7 Effective tips to note if your child is a fussy eater

Young Literature: 10 Great books to read with your child

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