In Tune: 10 Ways to build a deeper connection with your child

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Knowing their favourite animal or video game is not enough.

It’s one thing to love your kid, but it’s another thing altogether to actually be in sync with them. Sure, you may know the show they’re currently obsessed with or their favourite colour, but what about the matters of the heart? Do they tell you what they’re feeling or thinking, or do you even make the effort to find out?

While many parents can attest to being physically there for their kids, only a few can raise their hands in the emotional sector. Sadly, being physically available doesn’t instantly mean a deep emotional connection with your kids. Being in tune with your children requires both time and effort, and entails varying results. If you think there’s work to be done in your relationship with your child, don’t worry, we’re here to help. From physical affection to family meals, there are a plethora of ways you can ensure that you’re well-aligned with your kids. With these steps in place, we promise you’ll be on your way to a blossoming and fulfilling parent-child relationship!

Lim Han

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine