Christmas Gift Guide: 20 Ideas for those shopping on the eleventh hour

updated the 29 December 2015 à 18:01
Kate Spade

Still haven’t found the right gift for this festive season? Well, you better act fast.

If you have been procrastinating on your holiday shopping or simply forgot that Christmas is around the corner, don’t panic. We have got you covered with 20 of the best last minute gift ideas which can be easily purchased on the same device you’re reading this article on.

Do not stress yourself out amidst the overwhelming choices available. Instead start off by making a list of individuals you would like to get a gift for. Once that is sorted, consider their personalities and what they would like. This should take no more than 10 minutes. Simply write down the first word that comes to mind when you recall this person. If you need additional help, head over to their Instagram profiles to check out their personalities.

If you are still stuck and can’t put your finger to a concrete gift idea, why not purchase a gift card. Gift cards allow the receiver to shop for his or her own favourite items. The least you could do is to wrap up the gift card or place it in a beautifully decorated box (easily obtained from gift shops). By doing so, it reduces the chance of gift cards or vouchers being impersonal. After all, it’s the thought that counts during this festive season.

Head over to the gallery up for a round up other last minute gift ideas. With this, nobody will know that you shopped at the eleventh hour.

Perin Sidhu


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