Beef Tenderloin with Portobello recipe

updated the 17 August 2015 à 11:24

Looking for tips to make that perfect steak? Our CHEF IN HEELS Simbian Chua is here to help with this irresistible beef tenderloin recipe. Bon appetit!


Serves 2 | Takes 30 minutes


2 X 200g Beef Tenderloin
2 Large Portobello
2 Large Scallops
3 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
4 Tbsp. Lawrys steak sauce
120g Butter
Salt & Pepper to taste
Some Alfalfa to garnish


Chopped Parsley
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
¼ lemon juice
Salt to taste


  1. Marinade the tenderloin with salt and pepper, then leave it aside.
  2. Put chopped parsley together with the rest of the sauce ingredients and mix well.
  3. Now, Pan fry the steak on each side on high heat till brown.
  4. Drown it in the steak sauce
  5. Pop it into the preheated oven of 180 Celsius for 12 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile, pan sear the scallops for 2.5 minutes on each side till cooked.
  7. Pan fry the Portobello on both sides till cooked.
  8. Remove the steak from the oven, pan fry it in the pan with butter again
  9. Place it on a plate with the scallop, Portobello and a swipe of Dijon mustard.
  10. It is ready to be served!


Simbian Chua

Photo: Simbian Chua – Marie France Asia


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Marie France Asia, women's magazine