Greek-style chicken breast pita

updated the 17 August 2015 à 11:24

MF Asia’s CHEF IN HEELS Simbian Chua shares her delicious Greek-inspired recipe. Fridge-friendly and made using no oil there’s no reason not try it, don’t you think?


Serves 2 | Takes 20 minutes


500g Boneless chicken breast
3 Portobello mushrooms
1 Onion (Ringed)
1 Butterhead lettuce
1 Handful of cherry tomatoes (halved)
5 Pita bread (halved)


3 Tbsp of greek yogurt
1 Tbsp of mayonnaise
1 Tbsp of honey mustard sauce
1 Tbsp of roasted sesame sauce
1 Tbsp of chopped garlic


  1. Cut chicken breasts into nugget size.
  2. Grill chicken breasts for 3 minutes on each side till thoroughly cooked. Leave them aside to cool.
  3. Cut portobello mushrooms into fine pieces and grill them for 5 minutes. Leave aside to cool.
  4. Now, prepare the sauce by combining all ingredients into a mixing bowl.
  5. Throw in the portobello and chicken breasts into the mixture and mix well.
  6. Place a piece of lettuce and ringed onion into each pita bread and put the filling in as well.

CHEF IN HEELS tip: This dish can be eaten warm but if you’re in the mood for something more refreshing, pop them into the fridge for a little and eat them as cold snacks.

Simbian Chua

Photo: Simbian Chua/Marie France Asia

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine