Exercise Right: 10 Fitness myths you need to know

Not seeing any results yet? Time to purge these common mistakes from your workout regime for a fitter and leaner you.

If you find yourself constantly on the treadmill but still facing non-existent weight loss woes, chances are, you might have fallen victim to bad advice. Exercising does help one shed a few pounds, that is, when it’s done right. And it all boils down to one simple rule – to burn the calories you take in. To do that, it is essential to first figure out which exercise works best for you. Research has shown that as people react differently to exercises, the type of workout that may be compatible for one might not have the same effect for another.

So to help you ease your worries, we’ve uncovered 10 myth-busting facts that will get you headed in the right direction. And who knows, sporting a sexy and toned bod the likes of Casey Ho (of Blogilates) and Jillian Michaels (of The Biggest Loser) might not seem that far-fetched after all.

Warm up with stretches to prevent injury

If you think stretching aids in your pre-exercise warm ups, you better think twice. While it increases flexibility, it also weakens the muscle strength by 30%, thereby increasing the risk of injury. In fact, stretching should only be done after a workout. The best way to warm up is to either do a bit of walking or to lift a couple of light weights before cardio in order to get the blood flowing to your muscles.

Not feeling sore means your workout wasn’t intense enough

Forget the ‘No Pain, No Gain’ misconception you’ve heard for ages. Soreness is an indication that your muscles are inflamed, not that it has gained in size or strength. Too much soreness could be counterproductive and should not be a goal while working out. And if you’re not feeling sore after your usual fitness regime, it pretty much means your energy expenditure was just right.

Do crunches to get rid of belly fat

Thinking of getting an ab-crunching device to eliminate your love handles? Don’t believe everything you hear in commercials! While it does help strengthen your midsection and improve posture, crunches have nothing to do with decreasing your overall body fat. Instead, create a workout that includes both cardio and strength training elements to rev up your metabolism.

Replenish your body’s electrolytes with a sports drink

Unless you are doing extremely high-intensity workouts that last more than an hour, then no, you do not need that sports drink. In fact, research has shown that the sports drinks you consume might offset the calories burned during your exercise. So if you are determined to lose the inches, stick to good, old plain water and cut the sweet energy drinks out.

Swimming is the best weight loss activity

Did you know that feeling hungry after a swim is not proof that you have burnt fat? Research has shown that it is common to feel this way, which may ultimately cause you to eat more. While it is true that swimming increases lung capacity and tones your muscles, it burns far lesser calories than a run and would not help you slim down, unless you are at it for hours.

Weight training makes a woman bulky

To be considered bulky, one needs a massive amount of testosterone. And since the average man produces about ten times more testosterones than the average woman, we say you have very little to worry about. Go ahead and couple your weight lifts with the right diet and attitude, and you will be amazed to find yourself a step closer to achieving that ‘toned’ look.

Cardio is best to burn fat

Although cardio burns more calories than resistance training during your workout, lifting weights actually aids fat loss in the long run. Research has shown that women who completed an hour-long strength training workout burned an average of 100 more calories than those who skipped their weights.

Eat anything you want, as long as you exercise

Well, not if you know the difference between occasional indulgence and overeating. The very purpose of working out regularly is to burn off more calories than you would if you are not. If you overeat and your exercises cannot offset the calories you have consumed, you might even gain more weight! Of course, an occasional treat or two wouldn’t hurt to keep you motivated.

You burn more fat on an empty stomach

While this is partly true as the body is deprived of nutrients and will tap fat stores, working out on an empty stomach burns more muscle instead of fat, since the lack of nutrients does not allow your body to work to its peak state – which defeats the purpose of any diet plan if you’re trying to lose weight.

Women need different exercises from men

Despite any advices telling you to cut down on your exercises, don’t let them get to your head. Both men and women have the same body structure – the only difference is in our hormonal makeup. So other than men having a higher metabolism rate as they are naturally endowed with more muscles, both genders benefit the same while burning fat. Now don’t let anything stop you from lifting those weights because hey, who doesn’t love a strong woman?

Jinghui Lee

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