How to keep bad breath at bay?

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:30

Fight off the stench of bad breath or halitosis by adopting better oral hygiene habits. Here are some ways to get started.

Very often, bad breath is due to a lack of saliva or a dry mouth related to medications you may be taking. In this case, all you have to do is drink a glass of water every two hours to minimize the effects. Sometimes, sinusitis, gastro-oesophageal reflux or a wisdom tooth responsible for a non-painful chronic abscess with stagnation of pus may also result in a substantial alteration of breath. Ask your dentist to check if there is a medical cause for your problem. Take the opportunity to ask him to re-explain the basic recommendations to effectively brush your teeth. Consider including floss and brushing your tongue in your nightly routine, but avoid frequent rinsing with mouthwash as it destroys the oral flora, unless in the case of fungal infections and other diseases, or prescribed by your dentist.

We’re pretty sure that you’ve had the misfortune of coming across someone in your daily life with breath so rank, flies drop dead from the smell. And there is nothing more distracting when you’re talking to someone with bad breath. Trying to steal a breath of fresh air each time the person stops talking is no way to have a conversation with someone.

However you probably can’t smell your own breath as your senses have become used to your own scent. The easiest way to test your breath is to lick the back of your hand and let your saliva dry for about 10 seconds. If you notice a foul odour, you have bad breath.

Thankfully, halitosis or malodor can be easily solved with the right adjustments to your diet, oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist.


See your dentist every 6 months or at least once a year for a thorough cleaning. But you should also brush your teeth after every meal or at least twice a day with a soft toothbrush. Don’t forget to floss your teeth daily as well to get rid of debris in between your teeth.


Get a tongue scraper from your friendly neighbourhood drugstore. Simply run the U-shaped metal on your tongue to get rid any plaque that forms on the tongue. If the back of your tongue is whitish, you have a build up of bacteria at the back of your mouth causing bad breath.


Strong smelling foods like garlic, onions or another spicy foods cause bad breath. Severe dieting like low-carb diets or fasting can also cause bad breath due to the build up of acid in the stomach. Try to eat watery vegetables like raw carrots or apples to help clean your teeth in between meals.


Coffee and red tea coat the tongue with acidic substances and that can be quite hard to get off your tongue without proper gargles or a toothbrush.


Drinking ample amounts of water can help wash off debris and stench in your mouth. Keeping your mouth hydrated can also help prevent bad breath.

Sometimes chronic bad breath can be caused by medical issues like acid reflux or gum disease. Do see your doctor or dentist for other options.

Cheryl Lee

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