5 Good reasons to take proper care of your liver

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:35
1) To be in good condition

Dull complexion, extreme fatigue, headaches? To ensure you digest well this holiday season, take proper care of your liver before indulging in the plethora of treats.

As a vital organ, the liver is far from idle. Performing upwards of 250 functions, it is essential in maintaining good health. The liver filters what we swallow – expelling waste and retaining what is required for the body to function well. As we consume food that is not always well-balanced, along with sweets or alcoholic drinks, medicine, tobacco, pesticides and additives, the liver is placed under great strain and eventually weakened.

Neither does it appreciate the surrounding stress. Indeed, our liver has the heavy task of regulating hormones caused by stress (adrenalin and noradrenalin) and, when we are on the edge, the overdose can quickly become difficult to manage. That’s why it is important to take care of it, particularly as the Christmas holidays approach. How can we do this? By facilitating its smooth regeneration, and particularly not by undertaking a fast and violent detoxification of the body, which would flood the liver with toxins to eliminate. We have much more to gain by treating the liver gently.


When the liver is poisoned, it can make up approximately 5 % of our body weight, as opposed to 2 % for a healthy liver. This is known as a fatty liver. However, it is not necessarily a question of fat. The simultaneous consumption of simple and complex carbohydrates also contributes to this phenomenon. “By deceiving pastries, croissants and similar products, full of chemical additives, and even without consuming alcohol, the liver can be in as bad a state as that of an alcoholic”, comments the naturopath, Christian Brun. Moreover, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 36 volunteers with an enlarged liver followed either a low carbohydrate diet, or one with reduced lipids. As a result, the fat reduced by 55 % in the first group, and by 40 % in the second!

Maureen Diament

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