Should we change the toothbrush after being sick?

Does our toothbrush keep traces of our cold or flu?


You dragged your cold for a good week and now that you got rid of it, you the change sheets disinfect the house. Perfect, but what about the toothbrush?


The humidity and heat of bathrooms makes for ideal conditions for microbes that can survive long hours between the bristles. Thus, it is possible to find the influenza virus or the gastrointestinal virus on a toothbrush. So to prevent recontamination after being ill, you should throw your toothbrush out without hesitation.

And in any case, we do not share our toothbrush with anyone who is sick and we should place it into the same cup as the virus can pass from one brush to the other. You also need to allow the toothbrush to dry completely as water will encourage the spread of germs. Above all, we forget the supposed plastic cover to protect it from germs but actually that fosters a true culture broth when it cover a still wet toothbrush.

Maureen Diament

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine