Are you an alcoholic? Take this test to find out

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:30

Is your relationship with your drinks getting a bit too much for you to handle? Check out this short alcohol test to find out more about your drinking habits.


Had a glass too many the night before? Well, we’ve all had complicated relationships with our alcohol. Ending up a little too giggly after the occasional after-work drinks party is perfectly normal, but if you’re always regretfully waking up by the curbside with a killer hangover after drunkenly blacking out, chances are you are addicted!

To help you more objectively evaluate your relationship with that bottle of Bordeaux, alcohol awareness group Drinkaware has devised a short test that reviews the number of glasses we down every week and our behaviours and attitude towards alcohol. The algorithm explains our habits, translates our consumption into standard alcohol units, and shows us how many calories we’ve ingested by doing so (oh, the horror). If you’re too horrified by the information you receive, Drinkaware also provides advice from the health authorities on how you can kick your unhealthy habit.

It only takes a few minutes, so do take the test before you celebrate the arrival of the weekend by drinking the night away.

Maureen Diament and Yijie Zhang

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