Detect date rape drugs with… a nail varnish!

updated the 21 October 2015 à 18:18

Slipping drugs into drinks at a party allows rapists to make their victims vulnerable. A young American start up designed a nail polish which can reveal the presence of these substances in a drink.

Four young American entrepreneurs (all men!) decided to tackle the rapists and sex offenders. Their company, Undercover Colors has managed to develop a nail polish that can detect the presence of drugs in a drink. They are currently raising funds in order to produce their product on a large scale.


Simply dip the tip of your nail varnish in your glass. If it changes colour, there is a good chance that the drink contains Xanax, Rohypnol or GHB (the drugs most often used to affect the women and/or cause partial amnesia that prevents them from testifying). A discreet and effective way to ensure one’s security at a party.

With this innovative technology, the creators of Undecover Colors are hoping to induce fear in these people: “we hope to scare off potential criminals who would consider drugging a woman to abuse her. Now they run the risk of being exposed and denounced “.

According to statistics, in the United States, one in five women is sexually assaulted in her lifetime.

To support the project and make a donation, you can click here.


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Marie France Asia, women's magazine