Design your own T-shirt with Uniqlo’s UTme app

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:52
Uniqlo's UTme app

Design your very own UT t-shirt using your mobile phone with the latest app from Uniqlo.

We already have the celebrity super couple, i.e. Brangelina, but now, it’s time to make room for another super couple, Fashion and Technology… Say hello to “Fashion Tech”. This couple is going to last for a long time and you’ll hear more and more about it.  This time, it’s the famous Japanese clothing brand Uniqlo that uses “Fashion Tech”to give consumers the opportunity to experiment with incredible things. In fact, you’ll be able to design your own clothes from your Smartphone!

How does it work?

Step 1: You just have to create your graphic image, you can draw it with your fingers and paint it with your favourite colours, you can also type your message or use your own photo.

Step 2: Then, you can shake your iPhone in order to activate a cool feature on the app: you can remix your creation, with splash, glitch or mosaic effects.

Step 3: Once you’re done with your chef-d’oeuvre, you can go ahead and purchase it and also share it with friends on the social networks.

For now the concept is just available in Japan, but we definitely want to see this excellent idea introduced in other regions so that we can have our own super fun t-shirts! To be continued…

Watch the video:

Lindsay POUI-DI

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