Does drinking water help you to lose weight?

If you’re looking to lose some inches off your waist, perhaps a glass of water is all you’ll need.

Vichy water

Whoever knew that the true trick to losing a couple of inches off your waist would be from a glass of good ol’ water. The one drink we have every day, after every meal, without fail. So why is it that you’ve not lost some kilos yet? Well the catch lies in gulping that glass of water before you chow down on your food – not after, not during.

That’s right. A study published in the journal Obesity, gathered 84 overweight adults to figure out if drinking water before meals would help them to lose weight. Over 12 weeks, one group was told to drink 500ml of water 30 minutes before eating, while the other group was simply told to imagine their tummies were full before meals.

The results were definitely telling. After monitoring the participants’ weight before, during and at the end of the ‘experiment’, the researchers found that the group who drank water before meals lost about 1.4 kilos more than the group that didn’t. In addition, the amount of kilos lost increased with a higher intake of water before meals.

Essentially, the theory is that water ‘fills you up’ to induce satiety and could alter your meal choices or rather the amount you put into your stomachs. While more evidence is definitely needed to support the current research, this definitely serves as the first step to effectively managing your weight. 

So remember, before you bite into the fish and chips, gulp down a glass of water!

Tarandip Kaur

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