RestOn: The non-wearable device to get you good sleep

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:21

Most of us grapple with getting adequate sleep at night. Here’s an innovative product by Sleepace that will help you do something about it.

Among the plethora of methods for achieving sleep happiness, from apps to monitor our sleep, to counting sheep, here comes a new non-wearable smart device, introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show 2015 (CES). Check out how RestOn by Sleepace works to provide good nocturnal rest; thereby avoiding sleep disorders that can be very bad for your health.

RestOn is a non-wearable smart device that tracks, monitors and analyses your sleep habits. Unlike other apps, this one is linked to a sleep band sensor to better measure sleep patterns.

How does it work?

Simply place the RestOn band across on your mattress before laying on your sheets. Then, turn on the device and connect it to the Sleepace app. And that’s it. Your work is done.

While you sleep, the band, equipped with medical-grade sensors, measures your heart and respiratory rates, sleep cycles, body movement and sleep time. These data will then be transmitted instantly to the Sleepace app via Bluetooth on your smartphone. The app will analyse the transmitted data and provide you with professional and easy-to-apply guidance to help you achieve the best sleep each night.

Additionally, there’s no need to worry about annoying your partner as the length of the band is just set for one person. This offers convenience, as we don’t necessarily have to answer any probing questions, wear a device at night or put our smartphone near our bed.

RestOn could just be the perfect way to improve your sleep and, ultimately your health.

For more information on the sleep monitoring system head to Indiegogo.

Lindsay POUI-DI

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