Mosquito Bites: 10 Ways to lessen the crazy itching sensation

Aloe vera

Suffering from itchy or painful mosquito bites? Don’t just endure the sensation.

In any hot and humid country, flies and bugs tend to thrive. Mosquitoes are definitely no exception. All year round, mosquitoes make a nuisance of themselves, buzzing into our households and driving us mad with their incessant biting. Of course, only female mosquitoes are the ones that go after our blood (the males only feed on flower nectar), so when you feel the little prickling sensation from a mosquito on your arm, it’s definitely a female mosquito doing the damage.

Mosquitoes require blood to produce eggs, hence the pesky bloodsucking habits of these creatures. Just leaving your window open to air your bedroom overnight might cause you to wake up with red bumps the next morning. If you’re the type to develop itchy spots from mosquito bites (and yes, some people are more prone to developing itchy welts than others), we’ll tell you how to soothe them the easy way. Head up to the gallery to check out some tips on how you can keep your scratching to a minimum.

Kahina Boudjidj & Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine