5 Ancient beauty remedies from India to swear by for healthy skin

Bhumi Amla

These natural medicines will work wonders for you.

It is no secret that ancient beauty methods have untold benefits for our skin. They have been tried and tested from time immemorial, and have proven to be reliable. Not only are most of them inexpensive alternatives to products that can burn a hole in our pockets, they also hardly cause any adverse effects in our body – unless taken in extremely large quantities or in bad combinations, of course.

We’ve all heard of plants like Tulsi (Holy Basil), aloe vera, turmeric, sandalwood and saffron that promise problem-free, glowing skin. In fact, these are probably the ingredients you’d reach out for to make a face mask at home. However, let us tell you that they’re not the only ones that can help you get rid of your troubling skin issues. Check out these 5 ancient Indian remedies you’ve probably never have heard of for healthy skin.



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