Olive: The device that helps you manage stress levels

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:38
Olive bracelet

More often than not we feel stress for long periods of time before realising that it’s time to relieve the pressure. With Olive, we may just be able to better manage our stress levels.

Undeniably, stress is one of our biggest problems nowadays. Hence, we are on a constant hunt for the best way to overcome it – from meditation to alternative medicine and sports. Nevertheless, these activities are sometimes difficult to ensure active particpation.

So for now, an easier way out of our predicament – that ironically causes more stress – is Olive, a bracelet that helps us manage stress levels by analysing our body. In doing so, it identifies when we experience a stressful response and suggests personalised relaxation exercises such as timed breathing to release the pressure.

How does it work?

To provide the customised feedback and to guide you through simple relaxation exercises, Olive analyses personal information such as:

– Patterns and biological indicators based on your heart rate, skin conductance (which indicates your excitement) and skin temperature (which can change with stress).

– Habits that may contribute to stress, including sleep, exposure to light and physical activities.

– It even tracks your location, calendar and other data via your Smartphone so as to better understand your lifestyle.

Thanks to the rather comprehensive collection of data, the discreet bracelet notifies you via gentle taps or blinking LED lights whenever it detects a possibility that you’re feeling stressed.

Olive’s designers are running a campaign on the American crowdfunding site Indiegogo until
9 November 2014, head over here to help fund the project.

Watch the video here.

Lindsay POUI-DI

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