Rose vinegar can do it all…

updated the 17 August 2015 à 14:23

You can prepare this multi-purpose vinegar at home!

It calms skin irritations, canker sores, insect bites and can even serve as a deodorant! And best of all, rose vinegar can be prepared at home following this simple recipe:

1. Fill a wide container (100 ml) with fragrant red rose petals (only fill half if you are using dried petals as they will expand later).

2. Cover with cider vinegar or organic alcohol and close the container. Let it soak for at least two weeks in the shade, shaking it regularly.

3. Strain into a non-metallic strainer and store it in bottle.

To use as a compress, to rinse or to gargle, dilute it with water first.

Melissa Beau 

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