Filling Food: Bet on fibre for satiety

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:31

In order to feel satiated and stabilize your weight, count on fruits and vegetables that are rich in fibre.

If proteins have the capacity to send appetite suppressant signals to the regulating centres of the appetite, you should not forget the fibre in fruit and vegetables. In a relatively low volume, they bring interesting nutrients and fill up the stomach without overloading it with calories. The idea is to find a good quantity, that gives the sensation of being full without feeling stuffed. The soluble fibres in fruits and vegetables also regulate the rate of sugar in the blood (the glycaemia) and thus avoids the accompanying brutal crash and raging hunger. According to the recommendations made by health authorities, we should eat approximately 25 to 30 grams of fibre every day. Fibre also reduces the rate of cholesterol and decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. But, most of us do not consume enough. So adopt citrus fruits, red berries and vegetables that are most rich in fibre, such as green vegetables with leaves, cabbages, leeks, asparagus, radish and cucumber.

Rica Etienne

Read more:

How to regulate your appetite?

Satiety: Are three meals a day essential?

Savour Food: Let’s take time to eat our meals

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