Are carbohydrates bad for you?

If you’re currently on a low carb diet, it might just be time to kick that aside as we break down some must-know facts on carbohydrates.

Le riz de Camargue

Low carb diets seem to be gaining popularity these days thanks to Hollywood celebrities extolling its benefits. But is it really all that?

First things first, a diet low in carbohydrates does not mean your diet is low in fat. People on low carb diets frequently substitute the lack of carbohydrates with meat for satiety. But, this means your diet could be high in fat which puts extra work on your body.

But as with many things, not all carbohydrates are created equal, and some are far better for you than others.

Types of Carbohydrates

There are two main groups of carbohydrates. Simple and complex. Simple carbs are derived from refined items like white bread, white sugar and certain fruits and vegetables. Processed items that contain simple carbs have items like sucrose, glucose or fructose on their ingredients list. Simple carbohydrates are quickly digested and absorbed into the blood stream, thus resulting in a spike in energy or a sugar high, which then results in a crash.

Complex carbohydrates comprise items like whole unrefined grains, oat bran and oatmeal. These take longer to digest due to the husks around them and they give you energy for a longer period of time. They are usually high in dietary fibre which helps in keeping you satiated as well. The recommended amount of dietary fibre is 14 g per 1000 calories everyday.

Do note that in order for something to be classified as whole grain, it still has to contain the same amount of endosperm, bran and germ, even though it has been prepared into items like cornflakes or whole grain bread.

So instead of a low carb diet, simply cut simple carbohydrates out of your diet by avoiding food and drinks with added sugar or sugar compounds like maltose, syrup or raw sugar. Embrace the right carbohydrates to stay within your daily caloric intake, and you will be just fine.

Cheryl Lee

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