What are the health benefits of tomatoes?

updated the 6 October 2015 à 22:53
The queen of antioxidants

Ubiquitous in summer salads, it’s full of vitamins and antioxidants. A pillar of the Mediterranean diet, it gives taste to many sauces and is very nutritious..

Virtually devoid of carbs despite its sweet taste, tomatoes allow the marriage of gluttony and healthy eating. With its 94% water content, it doesn’t weigh heavy in calories (16 kcal/100g), which benefits one with being disciplined in satiating fiber content (1.1g/100g) . It’s also a source of vitality thanks to its richness in vitamins, especially vitamin C (20mg/100g) and minerals (potassium, calcium and magnesium).


Tomato Crumble

Sauté 6 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped into 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Meanwhile, prepare the dough: 100 g flour, 50g of breadcrumbs, 75g butter and 75g grated Parmesan. Arrange tomatoes in a baking dish, cover with basil and the dough.
Bake for 30 minutes at 180 °C.

Cherries Surprises

Plant a peak in 25 cherry tomatoes like Ruby Savéol. Wet 100g sugar with 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and set over high heat. Cook the caramel for 5 minutes. For colouring, dip the tomatoes to cover them. Dry on parchment paper and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Sylvia Vaisman and Nur Syazana H.


Mouthwatering: 5 Tomato recipes to check out

10 Summer starters: Tomato & Basil Asparagus Sand Pie

Easy Pies & Tarts Recipes: Cherry Tomato Tart

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